Little Blue Box

    One of the leading industries in advertising would be the wedding industry, and Tiffany’s jewelry ads hold a huge part. Tiffany & Company was founded in 1837 when Charles Lewis Tiffany and John F. Young opened Tiffany & Young with $1,000 dollars in backing from Tiffany’s father. The first store ever opened was located on Broadway opposite Manhattan’s City Hall Park. This store had a variety of “fancy goods,” including costume jewelry. In 1841, Tiffany and Young took on another partner, J. L. Ellis, and the store became Tiffany, Young & Ellis. Tiffany’s designs ranged from jewelry, watches, crystal glassware, silverware, china, stationery, writing instruments, fragrances, leather goods, scarves, and ties. Tiffany’s has a background ranging from the Civil War 1860-1865 to today’s leading jewelry industry. Being on the top of the jewelry industry makes them more popular when it comes to that special day that will change his/her life forever, their wedding day. However, without advertising their company over the years and their products as well, Tiffany’s would not have the great reputation on jewelry making that they hold today.

    Tiffany’s has had many advertising companies selling their products over the years ranging from actual people holding hands, heart shaped lockets, and their slogan “the little blue box”, however some of their ads hold more of a powerful meaning behind them than others in how they are trying to get their point across to the audience. In figure 1, this ad does great on trying to open people’s minds to romance and the affection between a man and woman. How the man is wrapped around the woman from her backside turns the audience to reflect this ad to sexual desire. The ad also points out how many people get married at a young age and how they are pictured to already have their careers in line, because of their fancy clothing that is portrayed in this ad. Also, the area that surrounds them looks like an upper class part of New York City, where Tiffany’s first store opened. So the ad not only gives the audience a fuzzy warm feeling of affection, but it also gives them a little insight into the company. The one object that is in color, which also brings this ad to life, is their slogan “the little blue box” and it holds the meaning of an everlasting life together with that one special person. This ad is an all around great one, because it hits on all the main points, which is pulling in the audience and selling the product, without it having too much in the background. By the box being in color it gives it more of a powerful meaning.  
    The second, figure 2 was not as powerful as figure 1, but it still has a meaning behind what Tiffany’s is trying to sell to their customers. Figure 2 spells out “I Love You” and it has the love as a locket with a bright pink background. This ad is famous with drawing in the audience, because of the background and the enormous size of the heart locket. The meaning that Tiffany’s is trying to get across to the men that are buying the rings is that if they buy a Tiffany’s ring that they will have her heart forever. It’s a powerful meaning but it does not receive the same feeling and message, as the ad before did with the actual people in it.   

    Also, in the Tiffany’s ads there will always be “Tiffany and Co.” at the bottom so that people know who produced the ad and the product that is being sold. That way they can go to the nearest Tiffany store or order their desirers online.   

    The last ad, figure 3 holds a superior meaning by having an actual Tiffany ring on the ad in a big version and how the ring is in real life or actual size. It also has the slogan on it to give it more power then the one with the heart shaped locket. Here, Tiffany’s hopes to receive more purchases, because they have the actual product in the ad and not just a box, locket, or people. In this ad, the people can actually see what they will be buying and how their jewelry really looks, which makes people want to go to their store to see if the rings and jewelry really are as great as they advertise.   

     All of the ads that were mentioned are some of Tiffany’s top ads, but as many can see most of them hold a bigger meaning. To know what a great ad has to offer, always look and dig deeper into the placement of the ad and how the company is trying to make the people buy their product. Here in the United States, whoever can advertise and sell the product well will receive more profit, than if the product was never advertised. The people have to know that the company is out there and that they want to sell their products to them. All of the Tiffany ads were great, however, the ads with the people in them are more affective then the ads with the product, because it makes the ad more realistic and not solely based on the money that the company is trying to profit from; however, no matter how our society grows you can be sure to know that advertising will always be around.    

Tiffany's Ads

Figure 1: One of Tiffany's most recent ads from Google Images. 

Figure 2: One of Tiffany's Valentines Day ads from Google Images.

Figure 3: Tiffany ad that displays a ring from their company from Google Images. 

Works Cited 

Tiffany's Valentines Day Ads. 14 Feb. 08. Tiffany Ads, Google Images.

Tiffany's Ads. 4 May 2009., Google Images.

Tiffany & Co. "Tiffany & Co." FundingtheUniverse. 6 May 2009.