No Time to Fail 

    Being a senior at my high school, I was so ready to escape out of that prison and go to college and not be tied up like I was four any more. When graduation came and I stood up to get my diploma, I never felt more relieved in my life. I realized, at that moment, I was not only going to have an amazing summer, but I was also now college bound and was going to make most of my own decisions in exactly two months.

    My summer was the best time of my life because I didn’t have the normal stress of having to go back to my high school in Indianapolis, instead I had the carefree summer finally coming to an end. My family and I were taking a trip up to Muncie, Indiana where I would spend the most supreme four years of my life. I was nervous, but it was more so because I was anxious to meet everyone and eager to have the normal college experience, like the ones that you see on movies. We finally made it there and my family helped settled me into my room. They said their tearful goodbyes, and I was soon on my own to romp around like I belonged in the zoo. I was so exultant I wanted scream at the top of my lungs.

    My first day of college came very quickly. I was anxious to start class and couldn’t wait to meet my intelligent professors and all my peers. My first class of the day starting at 9AM was English. I had a woman professor and her name was Mrs. Hartley-Smith. She was a very cool person and understood everyone’s needs and wishes. She talked to us a lot about what she was planning for the semester and told us that we would have three important essays and if we didn’t turn them in we wouldn’t pass the class. I, with no worries upon my face, said. “That is a piece of cake.” I started to tune her out everyday I had her in class, which was three times a week for an hour. The only thing I received out of the class that Friday was that I had an essay due for next Friday, but I held it off because I was going to have a great stress-free weekend with my amazing friends.

    Saturday night came fast and my friends and I went to our first college party where every one was drinking and having a great time. I thought it would be nice to have the same wild fun so I joined in. Before I knew it I did this pretty much every weekend, and soon I missed all three essays for my English class and ended up failing. I couldn’t believe what I had done. I kept asking, “Why did I have to fail this English class?” “How did I let my grade slip through my fingers like a fish out of water?” I came to a very good answer to that question. It was simple; I partied too much and didn’t spend any of my time studying. I accepted my consequences and took the class over again but this time I was determined to pass my English class. I did so with flying colors.