Composition in my life!

    Starting this spring semester of my freshman year, has been an adventure. One of my classes that had an impact on my life was definitely my English 103 class. This course has taught me how to use composition in a way that I could never image in a regular high school English class.

    Composition has been a part of my life for a long time now that I can see it and appreciate it for all that it is. It wasn’t until I was in college this year, and saw that composition is not only my voice and my words, but it is also how I think and live my everyday life. Composition is what makes me more outspoken and opinioned. In my English 103 class it challenged me to think outside of the box, and use my composition creatively instead of using it purely as a book term. It also made me think of the rules of composition as a guideline, instead of writing word for word how to create composition. Composition made my writings more personal, while it also taught me life lessons along the way, such as, forgiving people for their mistakes, learning from my heart instead of using my basic knowledge to overcome certain situations, and being able to look at the bright side of life when I thought that there was nothing more to live for. Composition does not always have to be writing based, it can be the beauty of art or music, or it can merely be what you want to do in your future. I would honestly have to say that composition is what made me into the strong willed person that I am today. Composition is not all about writing all the time. I like to think of it as my own personal story that I am living for, writing about, and learning the experiences that follow behind what I am living and writing about.

    Composition will continue to be a part of my life in the future because without it I wouldn’t be me. I wouldn’t be able to see images through others eyes, I wouldn’t be able to express myself in the way that another person might understand, and I wouldn’t ever have a full admiration on how beautiful life can be if you just take a step back to look at the composition, and what put you on this earth today. Was it God? Was it the music or art? Was it solely your mother? That is one question that I have still yet to answer for myself, but I know that one day composition will bring my life experiences all together and then I will have a chance to tell my personal life story.

    Composition has made me trust in myself and helped me to see into the lives of others around me. Without composition this world would be a dull place that no one would ever want to be a victim in. People may think that all Composition is, is writing, but from my experiences that I have shared, it’s more of a way to be myself and to express my own personal feeling and ambitions through the way I speak, write, and live my life. 


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